In the competitive world of trade and construction, marketing your business effectively is crucial. One option that has gained popularity among businesses in these industries is, a platform that allows trade persons and construction companies to showcase their services and customer reviews. While it has several advantages, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons before including it in your marketing literature.

The Pros:

  1. Credibility: provides a platform for verified customer reviews and ratings. Displaying these reviews can significantly boost your company’s credibility and build trust among potential clients, as they can see authentic feedback from previous customers.
  2. Increased Visibility: Being listed on can enhance your online presence. As more customers turn to the internet to find services, this exposure can make it easier for them to discover your business.
  3. Lead Generation: actively connects businesses with customers seeking specific services in the trade and construction industry. This streamlined lead generation process can help you find potential clients more efficiently.
  4. Quality Control: The platform encourages businesses to maintain high-quality service standards to earn positive reviews. This can serve as a mechanism for internal quality control, ensuring consistent, top-notch work.

The Cons:

  1. Costs: comes with subscription fees, which can be a financial burden for smaller businesses with limited marketing budgets. Over time, these costs can add up significantly. Example: charges a monthly subscription fee for businesses to maintain their profiles on the platform. These fees can accumulate over time, affecting the financial viability of smaller trade businesses with limited marketing budgets.
  2. Competition: Since lists numerous businesses in each industry, you’ll find yourself competing with others who offer similar services. This competition can lead to price wars or make it difficult to stand out. Example: If you’re a local roofing company, you might find that there are several other roofing companies listed on in your area. This means you’ll need to compete for the attention of potential customers who are viewing multiple similar profiles.
  3. Dependence: Relying solely on for leads can make your business dependent on the platform. If their policies change or if the platform becomes less effective, your business could be at risk. Example: Suppose you rely heavily on for leads and customer inquiries. If changes its policies or becomes less popular in your region, you might experience a significant drop in business leads.
  4. Negative Reviews: Negative reviews on the platform can damage your reputation, and you have limited control over how these reviews are displayed. Even a single unfavorable review can impact potential clients’ perceptions. Example: Even if you’ve provided quality service to hundreds of clients, one negative review on can significantly impact your overall rating and potential clients may hesitate to contact you.
  5. Limited Branding: may limit your ability to fully showcase your company’s branding and unique selling points, making it challenging to differentiate your business. Example: Profiles often have standardised templates that may not allow for full customisation. This can make it challenging to convey your brand’s unique identity and differentiate your business from competitors.
  6. Privacy Concerns: Some customers may be concerned about their personal information being shared on the platform when they leave reviews, which can deter them from providing feedback. Example: Some customers may be hesitant to leave reviews on the platform due to privacy concerns. They might worry that their personal information, such as their name and address, could be exposed when they provide feedback.
  7. Inconsistent Leads: The quantity and quality of leads generated through can be inconsistent, making it difficult to rely on it as the primary source of clients. Example: You might find that certain times of the year or in specific regions, the number of leads you receive through the platform varies greatly. This inconsistency can make it difficult to rely on the platform as your primary source of clients.
  8. Geographical Limitations: The platform’s effectiveness may vary by region, limiting its usefulness for businesses in specific areas. Example: The website  might not have a significant user base in rural or less populated areas. If your business primarily serves these regions, the platform’s effectiveness could be limited.
  9. Negative Perception: Some potential customers may perceive as a “pay-to-play” platform, which can lead to skepticism about the authenticity of reviews and ratings, potentially damaging your business’s reputation. Example: Some potential customers may believe that companies listed on the website   are there because they pay for it, leading to skepticism about the authenticity of the reviews and ratings. This skepticism could harm your business’s reputation.
  10. Risk of Fake Reviews: Like many review platforms, there’s a risk of fake or manipulated reviews on, which can undermine trust in your business. Example: Businesses or competitors might post fake positive or negative reviews to manipulate their reputation on the platform. This can make it challenging for potential clients to trust the reviews they read
  11. Lack of Customisation: profiles may have limited customization options, restricting your ability to present your company uniquely. Example: The website   profiles may offer limited options for customisation, so you may not be able to fully showcase your company’s unique services or branding, which could impact your ability to stand out.
  12. Potential Alternatives: Depending on your industry and target market, there may be other marketing channels or methods that are more effective and cost-efficient for your business. Relying solely on might cause you to miss out on these opportunities. Example: Instead of relying solely on the website, you might consider other marketing methods such as search engine optimisation (SEO), social media marketing, or local advertising, depending on your industry and target market.

In conclusion, whether or not to use in your marketing literature is a decision that should be made after considering these pros and cons in the context of your specific business needs, budget, and marketing strategy. While it offers benefits, it’s essential to be aware of the potential drawbacks and make an informed choice that aligns with your business goals.

Ready to showcase your success in your marketing materials? Contact SBC Marketing London today to learn how to incorporate the logo and reviews seamlessly into your promotional materials. Boost your credibility and stand out in the trade and construction industry. Contact us now to get started!

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